Use Case ======== This will take you though a use case of working with raw image data in TIFF format as well as post processed data using Caiman ROI extraction software. Download a TIF file and a extract pipeline output .mat file from `here. `_ Create an Imaging Extractor Object: ----------------------------------- .. code-block:: python from import ConfigManager cm = ConfigManager().update('notebook', {'limit_output': 1000}) import roiextractors import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline import numpy as np img_ext = roiextractors.TiffImagingExtractor(r'source\demoMovie.tif' sampling_frequency=100) .. code-block:: python img_ext.get_frames(10) Output: .. code-block:: shell array([[1050, 676, 652, ..., 1523, 1406, 1627], [ 898, 908, 864, ..., 990, 1016, 1058], [ 899, 875, 827, ..., 1100, 1122, 1147], ..., [ 664, 957, 1040, ..., 833, 828, 1075], [ 893, 899, 858, ..., 807, 899, 981], [ 691, 653, 812, ..., 708, 715, 779]], dtype=uint16) .. code-block:: python img_ext.get_image_size() Output: .. code-block:: shell [60, 80] .. code-block:: python img_ext.get_num_frames() Output: .. code-block:: shell 2000 .. code-block:: python img_ext.get_sampling_frequency() Output: .. code-block:: shell 100.0 .. code-block:: python img_ext.get_channel_names() Output: .. code-block:: shell ['channel_0'] .. code-block:: python img_ext.get_num_channels() Output: .. code-block:: shell 1 .. code-block:: python vid_fra = img_ext.get_video(start_frame=0,end_frame=1) plt.imshow(vid_fra) Output: .. image:: ./_images/imag_video.jpg Create a SegmentationExtractor Object ------------------------------------- .. code-block:: python seg_ext = roiextractors.CaimanSegmentationExtractor(r'source\caiman.hdf5') .. code-block:: python # will output a list of ids of all accepted rois seg_ext.get_accepted_list() Output: .. code-block:: shell [0,1,2,....71] .. code-block:: python seg_ext.get_num_frames() Output: .. code-block:: shell 1000 .. code-block:: python seg_ext.get_roi_locations(roi_ids=[2]) Output: .. code-block:: shell array([[ 4], [43]]) .. code-block:: python plt.plot(seg_ext.get_sampling_frequency()*np.arange(seg_ext.get_num_frames()),seg_ext.get_traces(roi_ids=[2], name='dff').squeeze()) Output: .. image:: ./_images/seg_traces.jpg .. code-block:: python plt.imshow(seg_ext.get_roi_image_masks(roi_ids=[5]).squeeze()) Output: .. image:: ./_images/seg_img_masks.jpg .. code-block:: python seg_ext.get_image_size() Output: .. code-block:: shell array([128, 128]) .. code-block:: python seg_ext.get_num_rois() Output: .. code-block:: shell 72